Hibbs and Heeks Pet Center Blog

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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

How did your pets do over the fourth of July?

Whoa, it has been a while since I have made an entry! The fourth of July was yesterday. During this holiday my pets are not to thrilled with the way it is celebrated. In my neighborhood it was Sunday night when the people that celebrate with fireworks did their thing. The fireworks that go up in the air and shoot color are nice to watch and somewhat loud. Heeks does not like any of the fireworks, not even firecrackers.

Hibbs seems to take it in stride. He doesn’t get upset, he might just bark once in a while whereas Heeks is terrified by the booms made by the fireworks. Someone in our neighborhood was setting off quarter sticks of dynamite this year. I don’t like those either. They make a very loud bang that gives me a start everytime. Heeks barks and shakes and is stuck to me like glue.

I think her excess fear originated a couple of years back when one of my neighbors purchased an extreme amount of fireworks and it took many hours to do. The majority of these fireworks were set off in front of our house and the cherry bombs were included. The police came by several times and watered down the fireworks they got one of my neighbors to bring out but other neighbors had stocked up as well so the noise continued through out the night. Heeks has reacted badly to fireworks since then.

Our cat Holly makes herself scarse during the hoopla and Hooey our parrot doesn’t seem to be concerned with the noise. Heeks seems to have the most difficulty dealing with the fourth of July celebrations. How do your pets react? We would love to hear from you!



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