Hibbs and Heeks Pet Center Blog

Hibbs and Heeks Pet Center Blog offers commentary, articles, pet care tips, pet news and stories from other pet owners. You are encouraged to offer comments and stories of your pets for others to enjoy. We look forward to hearing from you.


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

"Easy does it with pets in the summer heat."

This is the title of an article in the Monterey County Herald. The article has some very good information about heatstroke in pets. The Veterinarian that wrote this article brings up some points that I had not thought of myself and perhaps you did not think of either. You can access this article at
The MontereyHerald.com

I found it interesting because I always knew that Hibbs has a hard time with the heat but did not think about his black coat attracting the sun. I watch my pets in the summer heat because I know how the heat affects me. I hope you find this information useful as I did.



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