Hibbs and Heeks Pet Center Blog

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Sunday, July 17, 2005

Pet virus in my neighborhood.

A couple of weeks ago there was a virus going around my neighborhood between the neighborhood dogs. First Heeks got it. She had severe diarrhea with gas. It lasted nearly a week. Her stools were passing like water before it got better. Just as she started to feel better Hibbs picked it up and had it for about the same time. I was advised to feed them nothing but rice and either chicken or hamburger until it passed which I did. It really helped to follow that advise. After talking to some of the other walkers in the neighborhood I found out that two of our neighborhood dogs that live together had the same virus. They had it before Heeks. One of them had it first and passed it to the other. As soon as I realized it was something being passed from one dog to the other I did not let Hibbs and Heeks go up to any of the other neighborhood dogs until they were better. Hibbs is now ten years old and I have never come across this before. I don’t know how this virus started but it definitely was passed from dog to dog so I thought I would tell you all about it. The rice and meat diet worked well to help them get through it. Donna


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