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Saturday, March 12, 2005

Dog bone mystery!

I buy dog bone treats for my dogs in a large five pound package. I leave them in my back hall because it is cold out there and they keep well. I buy different flavors, beef basted, plain, small bones assorted, large bones assorted and peanut butter bones. They are like milk bones but put out by a different company. I don't always have all the flavors on hand but I mix them up so that the dogs get a variety. They usually get one in the morning and one at night.

Last Saturday I bought a new package of peanut butter bones. They have been getting one peanut butter bone, per day, at the most this past week. The package usually lasts at least a month around here. This morning I went to get them one and the bag is nearly empty. I asked my husband if he had moved some of the bones. He did not. Sometimes we transfer some into a box to put in the cabinet in the house. The last time I took a couple out of the bag it was full. That was day before yesterday. My husband gave the dogs a peanut butter bone the other day and said the bag was full too. Hmmmm....

There is no way the dogs ate all those bones in a couple of days. The bones are flat so the bag fits at least fifty bones. Hibbs was in the hallway by himself yesterday for a while when my three year old grandson was here but there is no way Hibbs could have eaten all those bones and he would have left a mess of crumbs behind if he had done that. The dogs always leave some crumbs behind. I don't even think Hibbs belly could hold four pounds of bones anyway.

My grandson was in the hall for a few moments yesterday while he was visiting me but that was only for a few moments so he would not have had time to move the bones. They would have had to be moved in a pile because the bag is still there. I asked him if he had moved the bones and he said no. At three he would not have the coordination to carry a bunch of bones all at same time and he just did not have enough time to do anything like that. My husband and I have searched all around the house to see if the bones were moved somewhere else and have found no sign of them anywhere.

I do not think any animal got in the back hall. If that were so there would be some sign of the entry. If a person came into our house why would they take only the peanut butter bones and nothing else? Did I get up, sleepwalk and move the bones during the night? Where would I have put them and why on earth would I do that? I don't think I have ever sleepwalked, by the way. What could have happened to four pounds of bones? This is bugging me. There is no explanation that is plausible. What the heck! Any ideas?



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