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Sunday, February 20, 2005

Hooey, our Amazon Parrot and My Grandson Max.

Yesterday my three year old grandson Max came over for a visit. I asked him if he said Hi to Hooey. He said "Gramma, that bird is to old, you need to get rid of him and get another one." It is hard to explain to a three year old that Hooey is an Amazon Parrot and can live to be sixty or more years old. Hooey is now about twenty - eight years old so it will be a while till he is old by bird standards. I did not tell Max that something else happened to distract him so I did not elaborate on the facts.

Max knows he is not to get to close to Hooey because I don't want Hooey to bite him. At this point in time I am the only one Hooey lets get close to him. I can pet him and touch him but noone else can. My husband gets a nasty bite when he tries. So Max has been told since he was a baby not to get to close to Hooey.

My daughter gives Hooey a treat and talks to him everytime she comes by and I am hoping that someday he will let her and maybe Max get closer to him. I found out not to long ago from Hooey's first owner that he has never liked men. It took him a while to bond with me but he has so I know that it can be done.

I hope that someday Hooey will have a great relationship with Max seeing as he might still be around when Max is an adult.

Do you have a one person parrot? We would like to hear from you!



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