Hibbs and Heeks Pet Center Blog

Hibbs and Heeks Pet Center Blog offers commentary, articles, pet care tips, pet news and stories from other pet owners. You are encouraged to offer comments and stories of your pets for others to enjoy. We look forward to hearing from you.


Saturday, February 12, 2005

News Article Fighting over Fido.

On my local NBC newsbroadcast last night they had a report on people fighting about a pet when they split up. Our pets become part of our family and it must be very hard to figure out what to do if both parties want to keep the family pet. There has been a lot of court time spent over this issue as well as plenty of money. Here is the article regarding that report if you are interested in reading about this unfortunate, emotional and real dilema faced by many people in this type of situation.


It is a short article, hope you find it interesting....



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