Hibbs and Heeks Pet Center Blog offers commentary, articles, pet care tips, pet news and stories from other pet owners. You are encouraged to offer comments and stories of your pets for others to enjoy. We look forward to hearing from you.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Do some people really resemble their pets?
My daughter often tells me that my dogs look like me. Huh! She says that we have the same hairdo. I suppose it is true to some extent. There may be an explaination for that according to this article I found on PetNewsService. The article offers information on studies done on this issue. To find out more got to http://www.petsforum.com/petnews/060204a.htm
This site also offers other pet news items of interest if you want to browse.
Do you think you may resemble your pet? At Gardenflags.com you might find a flag that resembles you both. Just a suggestion for a little fun!
My name is Donna. Hibbs and Heeks Pet Center blog is here for people like myself who are interested in pets. I will add commentary, links, pictures and more with pets as the focus. Hibbs and Heeks are real dogs, Tash and Totay are real kittens and Hooey is a real Amazon Parrot. Holly was also a frequent subject on this blog but she has since passed on. If you have any stories, comments or thoughts about pets please feel free to comment. I am sure that readers of this blog would enjoy hearing from you as I would myself.
At Tue Mar 08, 12:45:00 PM EST,
Donna said…
Hibbs and Heeks do have the same hairdo as myself. To see pictures of them you can go to my website. Donna
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