Hibbs and Heeks Pet Center Blog offers commentary, articles, pet care tips, pet news and stories from other pet owners. You are encouraged to offer comments and stories of your pets for others to enjoy. We look forward to hearing from you.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Evacuation Plans for Pets.
There has been some consideration in evacuation plans for pets in the works. I am very glad to see this development. I know that my pets are very important to me and I would want to be sure they were safe in a dire situation like the two hurricanes Katrina and Rita recently suffered by the people living in the Gulf Coast region. To many of us our pets are like a part of our family. When we adopted them into our family we took on the responsibility of caring for them. In fact, we have cared for them so well that they may have a great deal of difficulty surviving on their own.
I know that I am not the only one that finds my pets to be a big consideration. There is a bill in Congress requiring pets be considered in evacuation situations. If you are interested you can sign a petition to bring more attention to this bill in hopes it will pass into law. To read more about this go to 10News.com . At the end of the short article there is a link to the website where you can sign the petition or go to thepetitionsite.com right from here.
This is Donna from Hibbs and Heeks Pet Center Blog. You are welcome to add my blog to your favorites if you would like. I am glad that you like my blog and I hope you visit again.
My name is Donna. Hibbs and Heeks Pet Center blog is here for people like myself who are interested in pets. I will add commentary, links, pictures and more with pets as the focus. Hibbs and Heeks are real dogs, Tash and Totay are real kittens and Hooey is a real Amazon Parrot. Holly was also a frequent subject on this blog but she has since passed on. If you have any stories, comments or thoughts about pets please feel free to comment. I am sure that readers of this blog would enjoy hearing from you as I would myself.
At Tue Oct 11, 06:59:00 PM EDT,
Donna said…
Hi Roy,
This is Donna from Hibbs and Heeks Pet Center Blog. You are welcome to add my blog to your favorites if you would like. I am glad that you like my blog and I hope you visit again.
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