Hibbs and Hooey talk to each other!
Heeks, our other dog, is not interested in any exchanges with Hooey at all and Hooey does not seem interested in being friendly with her either. They keep their distance from each other except if Hooey thinks he might get close enough to bite Heeks. On the other hand Hibbs will get on the arm of the couch and try to smell Hooey. Hooey will growl if Hibbs gets to close but will rarely try to bite Hibbs. They seem to like each other.
On occasion Hooey will fall off his perch and Hibbs will always run over to his cage and cry like he is afraid that Hooey was hurt. If Hooey falls off his cage onto the floor that is a different matter though. Both the dogs are right on him. I have to hold them back and try to pick Hooey up and back on his cage. I think the territory thing comes into effect if Hooey is on the floor. I don't know why he falls off his cage on occasion. He seems to loose his footing and He flies enough to get himself safely to the floor. Fortunately that does not happen often. Hooey is always put in his cage when no one is home but I can't keep Hooey in his cage all the time it would be bad for his health and well being so we have an occasional mishap.
When ever I leave the house Hibbs and Hooey sound off together for a few minutes after I leave. Perhaps they are both lamenting my leaving the house. They do seem to talk to each other and it is a good thing I think!